Monday, April 20, 2015

The "Eagle Eye"

My husband and I recently drove along the Mississippi River in southern Minnesota.  We ended up at the National Eagle Center where we learned all about our country's national emblem, the Bald Eagle.  

Did you know that eagles are known for their excellent eyesight?  Their eyes are almost as large as ours yet their visual acuity is at least four times better than our "perfect" 20/20 vision.  Eagles can see both forward and to the side at the same time. In open country, they can spot small prey over three square miles from a lofty perch. 

For someone who started wearing tiny, pink sparkling "cat eye" glasses at 4 years old, I'm not one to brag about vision but yes, I need my "Eagle Eye" more than ever these days.  For it is those hard questions that often cause me to narrow my focus, to lose both the long (and the side) view, perhaps to even forget that useful "10,000 foot" view that brings the "big picture" back into view.       

Yet again, nature kicks me "in the butt" with its life lessons.   How's your "Eagle Eye?"    

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