Friday, March 27, 2015

Optimal Healing Environments ...

They are called "hard ideas."  In health care, there are many.  For example.  Optimal healing environments (OHE).   The literature is filled with definitions, models and frameworks, of course.  Here's my skinny.  

An OHE can be any space or process, physical or even virtual, where the bottom line is healing that does not always require a cure.  An OHE can exist anywhere along the health care continuum -- whether as part of a birthing center, a phone app, a clinic located within the downtown public library, or a home-based hospice program.  Enough said.

As a challenge, I recently used an online tool to test my ability to explain this hard idea -- OHE.  The tool only allows you to use the Ten Hundred  most commonly used words in the Oxford English Dictionary (Note: the word "Thousand" isn't on the list.)  The process was developed by scientists who wanted to help people in better describing and understanding these hard ideas.  

The link to the online editor tool is below.  So is my OHE "top ten" which still makes me smile.  

How good are you in explaining the many "hard ideas" in health care or otherwise?   Give this tool your best shot next time you're working on a fresh message that just might reach your audience.  

All You Need to Know About High Life Spaces

1. High life spaces are safe places. High life spaces are filled with helping people who care for people in need. These people are in need because they are sick or scared or they need an answer to a hard question. They may also be cold and in need of food.

2. High life spaces can be found in a big store, in a little store, in a car or even in a home. High life spaces can also be found in a phone call or in a little picture box on your phone.

3. High life spaces make people in need and helping people feel better about living. Sometimes these spaces also make people in need and helping people feel better about dying.

4. High life spaces are one-of-a-kind because they are filled with helping people who like to work together and who like to care for people in need.

5. High life spaces may not always be pretty but they are places that are usually warm and often quiet. Most of all, these spaces have been given a lot of thought by helping people in order to make them one-of-a kind.

6. These high life spaces are never finished. They can always be made better, thanks to the thoughts of people in need and helping people. These thoughts come from phone calls, letters, face-to-face talks and even when helping people watch one another or their very own people in need as they use the high life space.

7. When high life spaces make people in need feel good or better, these people will tell other people in need good stories about the high life space. Also, the people in need will also not be scared if they have to return to the high life space again next time.

8. When high life spaces make helping people feel good or better, these people will also tell other helping people good stories about the high life space. Also, these helping people will also not be sad when they return to the high life space again to care for people in need again.

9. High life spaces get stars if they make many people in need and many helping people feel very good about living and also sometimes, even better about dying.

10. Big or small, seen or not, high life spaces with stars are always in the hearts of people in need and helping people who are a part of these high life spaces. 


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